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Membership Terms

Before making a Maya Yoga membership and purchasing the relevant service or membership package, the following membership conditions must be read:


1. Prerequisites for becoming a member

Anyone who is over the age of eighteen or under the age of eighteen, but obtains a written permission from their parent or guardian and obtains the health report requested by Maya Yoga, has the right to become a member of Maya Yoga.

2. Qualifying for membership

Signing and paying the 'Distance Sales Agreement' for Maya Yoga membership, service or membership package purchased online; in direct sales, it is realized by signing the written contract to be signed between Maya Yoga and the Member and making the payment.

Online signing and payment of the 'Distance Sales Contract' in terms of one-time individual sessions, workshops and trainings; In term membership packages, however, Maya Yoga membership is activated and entitled to membership after signing a written contract with Maya Yoga after online sales.

3. Beginning of rights to membership

As soon as you become a member of the Maya Yoga website or mobile application, the 'Distance Sales Agreement' is signed here, the price determined on the website / mobile application is paid through the virtual pos application and / or the membership is activated by signing a written contract, the rights related to the services covered by the membership in the contract begin.

It is not possible for those who do not have membership activation to benefit from the rights stipulated for the members in the 'Distance Sales Agreement'.

4. Membership fees

Membership fees are the prices announced on the Maya Yoga website, mobile application or workplace and determined on the date of membership.

5. Membership and cancellation conditions

If the services purchased for one-time sessions are not used on the purchased day and time, or the remaining payment is not made, the right for this session expires. In this case, it is not possible to request to come to another program, and the prepayment made is not refundable.

Only the person who signed the contract and whose membership registration was created will benefit from the purchased packages and services, and there is no transfer of membership, use by someone else or transfer of membership right to third parties by inheritance.

Cancellations and changes regarding classes, studio work, events and instructors are under the exclusive authority of Maya Yoga. New regulations, cancellations and changes regarding these matters are notified to the Member by making an announcement in the studio or by e-mail.

By signing the Distance Sales Agreement and/or the written membership agreement, the Member accepts in advance that he will strictly comply with all the obligations written here and that if he does not fulfill his obligations, the sanctions in the contracts will be applied to him.

In terms of one-time services (sessions, workshops and trainings) purchased, Maya Yoga does not have the right to freeze, terminate or withdraw from the contract, except in case of faulty behavior and failure to fulfill its obligations set forth in this Agreement in this context. In terms of periodic memberships, the provisions of the Membership agreement to be signed in writing by the Member and the membership sales form in its annex shall apply in terms of termination of the relevant contract and membership, freezing of membership and withdrawal from the contract.


6. Information given at the time of registration

During registration to Maya Yoga, the member;

When filling out the registration form and contract, he will provide precise, accurate and up-to-date information about the person and, if he has become a member on behalf of a company, about his company,

To keep the member information correct and up-to-date and to notify Maya Yoga if there is a change in this information,

accepts and undertakes. If Maya Yoga detects that the membership information is incomplete or inaccurate, the membership registration can be deleted, and the payments made beforehand are not returned to the Member.


7. Member information, personal data and privacy

The information and personal data provided by the members to Maya Yoga ankara while registering are kept by Maya Yoga   in a secure area and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698.

Regarding membership information and personal data of members, the text of the 'Privacy Policy' on Maya Yoga's website and mobile application should be read. Maya Yoga will retain and use the information and rights provided under the contract within the scope of this Privacy Policy.


8. Electronic commercial messages

By signing the Agreement, the Member gives consent for Maya Yoga to send informational and commercial electronic messages to the e-mail address that Maya Yoga ankara has notified, that Maya Yoga will not share this contact information with third parties, that the content of the electronic commercial message and the content of the electronic commercial message by Maya Yoga. Maya Yoga states that she knows that other records related to the shipment are recorded to be submitted to the Ministry or other public institutions when necessary, and that if she does not want to receive electronic commercial messages, she can cancel the mail and / or SMS sending by e-mail to acknowledges, declares and undertakes that it has been informed by


9. Notices by Maya Yoga

Course contents, days, hours, cancellations and changes etc. by Maya Yoga. announcements and routine correspondence on all kinds of issues,

It can be done by sending an announcement on the board in Maya Yoga, to the e-mail addresses of the members. The member cannot claim that he did not look at the bulletin board or check his e-mail address regarding an announcement, and that he has lost his right for this reason, and cannot make a request for this.


10. Written notice and notification

Following the signing of the Agreement, the postal address specified at the time of the Agreement will be used for any written notices that Maya Yoga and the Member will make to each other, unless otherwise agreed in writing. Unless any changes in these addresses are notified to the other party, the notifications to be made to the said addresses are considered valid.


11. Validity

In the event that any provision or part of these terms of membership and the signed contracts is unenforceable or deemed invalid, the other parts or provisions of the contract will remain in effect and continue to be valid.


13. Enforcement

The person who chooses any service or membership package by registering on this website or mobile application and signing the Distance Sales Agreement is deemed to have accepted these Membership Terms and Privacy Policy as well as the relevant agreements.

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