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Burcu Atalay

I completed my 200-hour Yoga Instructor Training.I have mixed feelings...I can't believe I've been drinking and crying so much...My dear teacher had a word that he said on the first day; "Maybe it's hard to get up in the mornings now, make sure you go on this road saying 'I'm here to be a teacher', after the last lesson, you will say 'I wish we could always stay students' and you will leave here crying" ...

I'm thinking "Oh dear, why would we say that, I don't think I will feel that way. 
We're done, ohhh thank god we just say" I squinted. 
I'm pulling my snot now 🙈🙉 🙈🙉
And yes, I want to stay a student.
In my next life, I am willing to get up at 06:00 every weekend (Tapas) 💕💕

November 3rd...
I was both excited, happy and grumpy for getting up at 06:00 😄 😄
Those who know me know that if I don't get my sleep, I will travel in "let this world burn" mode 🤦‍♀🤦‍♀️
Getting up at 06.30 every Saturday and Sunday for 3 months..!
When the alarm went off, I opened one eye and said, "Oh, it can't be that fast 😫", I pulled the quilt over my head and whined, 
I was in a hurry to eat a bite,
"Oops, I have my notebook left, aww, where were my plush baby socks, I came crashing into the corridors 😁😁
I'm crying, "Again, minibus yoookk 😭 while it's raining with a hoodie on my head, but aaaaa",
I ignite the longing for the whole day in classes, by inhaling its smell and kissing my husband, who I left at home, 💕💕
Every Sunday evening I come home, I have "off tomorrow, there is work and ironed clothes yoookk" crises and wars with clothes that can not be found in the closet... (Karmas)
"Praise" to all (Santosha) 😄 😄
What kind of love is (Bakhti) you didn't know, you don't know..
I would love for everyone to experience this. Yoga is not just about the movements that are done with the flexibility you see from the outside.
Yoga is a philosophy of life 😁😁 
Yes, I can hear it; 
"you too mii yhaaa. How so? 
Something like sports, that's it?! 
What do you mean by philosophy of life?! 🤔
Yoga is your journey to yourself and to the supreme (Ishvara Pranidhana).

I learned so much in this training that; I am eternally grateful to everyone who supported and contributed.

My dear wife ❤👫
I also convey my congratulations and thanks to you for your patience. I am proud of you. For being with me anytime, anywhere, in everything. I am so lucky to know me better than myself and to be my life coach!!
Even though I'm whining, I'm grateful for every day you don't give in to your feelings and encourage me 🙏🙏

My dear teachers 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫,
I think we are the luckiest people in the world because our paths crossed with you. I am grateful for everything you have contributed to finding ourselves in 9 weeks we spent like a dream 🙏 Namaste.
You have given an endless experience to write and we will continue to live..! 
From now on, we're at your knees 🧘‍♀ 🧘‍♀️

My companions 💃🕺 
I enjoyed getting to know you and walking the same path. 
I embrace you all with love.
We became a group that impresses with its energy and unity.
Çıldır Bostancı YUP7 !!! 🤯😂

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