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Yoga Ekolleri

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Yoga Schools

Yoka System

If you want to take precautions against spinal disorders and have a strong body structure, you should do YOKA. Yoka protects the elasticity of the bone gaps and prevents calcification. It helps to stop or even correct spinal curvature by strengthening the muscles around the spine and spine. Yoka teaches to take control of the body, opens energy pathways and distributes the energy in the body equally to all sides.

If you have a herniated disc, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis or any other discomfort related to your spine, if you are worried about exercising, you can contact us for one-to-one Yoka lessons from our experts. If you do not have any discomfort, you can attend Yoka group lessons. 


Aerial (Hamock) Yoga

Many postures that are difficult to do on the mat can be much more enjoyable and easier when the hammock is used as a support. When you use the hammock in standing postures and back stretches, your body flexes easily, and when climbing into the hammock, you strengthen your posture by raising your entire body with your arm and trunk muscles. In inverted postures, the hammock holds you like a rope, so you both surrender yourself comfortably and you can easily perform even the most difficult postures as the hammock carries most of your body load. Fun enough to get rid of your daily stress  and an effective school of yoga.


Vinyasa Yoga

You will feel extremely calm and peaceful at the end of the Vinyasa Yoga class, as the focus required to integrate the breath and movement allows the mind to move away from other thoughts. 

'Don't think that I'm not flexible, I can't do yoga. Vinyasa Yoga is suitable for all ages and all body types. You won't believe how much your body has improved as the classes progress.


Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is a traditional school of yoga. 

In the definition of Swatmarama, who lived in India and wrote the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, 'hatha yoga is the process of purifying the body and mind for meditation'.

The poses are specifically designed to open the main channel, the spine. So energy can flow freely. It is a powerful tool for self-transformation. 

Hatha also means sun (ha) and moon (tha). "Ha" yang represents the masculine, "tha" represents the work yin, the external. This means balancing the masculine aspects (challenging, the power to say no, movement) and the outer aspects (surrender, the power to say yes, staying with what is) within all of us. It is a way of balancing and uniting opposites. As strength and flexibility, movement and breath, mind and body balance develop, we also learn to balance our effort and surrender for each pose. 

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a yoga practice born in China, whose philosophy is based on Taoism. The fact that modern life is very active, always trying to catch up with something, disrupts the balance of mind and body. Yin Yoga is a deep stretching practice using our own body weight. We experience relaxation by slowing down, staying in the moment and creating a massage effect on the deep tissues by leaving our muscles completely relaxed. We learn to stand alone with ourselves, to take an inner journey, to look at ourselves, and to discover our true feelings. In this sense, Yin Yoga is a therapeutic exercise. Especially if you have a tense and active lifestyle, Yin Yoga class may be very suitable for you. Thus, the Yang effect of life is balanced. 

Who is suitable for:

Those who enjoy staying in postures for a long time.
Those who have a tense and hard body structure.
Those who are going through a difficult time and need to relax.
​Those who want to experience something different from their usual yoga practice.


Ashtanga Yoga

In Asthanga Yoga, the asanas are practiced in a specific order. First, Surya Namaskar series A and B are done. Then, standing series, sitting series, reverse stances and finishing series are performed by waiting 5 breaths in all stances. 

Being able to memorize the series gives the student the motivation to do their daily practice. Physical developments can be followed easily and as long as all the poses in each series are done correctly, the next series is passed. 

Ujjayi Pranayama, a breathing technique, is used while doing Ashtanga Yoga. The eyes are focused on a specific area in each pose and body locks called bandha are applied at the same time. 

It is a fluid, powerful, self-discipline-enhancing exhilarating practice.

Chair Yoga

If you say that my knees hurt a lot and I can't sit on the mat, I have joint problems, I'm old and can't come to yoga, try Chair Yoga. By making use of the chair, you get stronger in postures, increase your flexibility, develop personal body awareness and practice yoga in a gentle but effective way.

This study is not only for the elderly, but it is also a very useful application for office workers.

Working all day in the office, sitting in front of the computer weakens our muscles, disrupts posture and tires the body. In this lesson, you can learn the movements that you can apply even when you have to sit down, and you can take yoga into your daily life.

Yoga Pose

Pregnant Yoga

The main purpose of Pregnancy Yoga is to prevent postural disorders that may occur during pregnancy and become permanent. It includes strengthening in the areas necessary for them to carry the increasing load as the pregnancy progresses, and stretching to resolve the tension that may occur during this difficult period.

During the yoga class, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated and the expectant mother gets away from stress, relaxes, relaxes and calms down. This calmness is reflected in the baby.

Breathing  workings ensures that the blood of the expectant mother and all body cells are filled with plenty of oxygen, which increases the oxygenation of the baby and helps its nutrition and development.

Happy pregnant means Happy body, Happy family.

Kids Yoga

Children's Yoga is practiced by imitating nature, human and animal figures. With the stories told, children both have fun and strengthen their bodies while practicing yoga postures.
In this period when parents' expectations are high, children grow up in a competitive environment. Children's yoga, which allows children to get away from this environment and have fun, not only helps them relax and calm down with proper breathing exercises, but also ensures the healthy development of their bodies with their postures.

If you want your child to gain the habit of doing yoga and sports in the coming years, meet with children's yoga now.

We have children's yoga classes for 3-6 years old and 6-10 years old.

Restorative Yoga

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Private Lessons

Yoga is a one-to-one practice in its original form. The anatomical body structure of each individual differs. Accordingly, everyone's needs are different. The advantage of private lessons is that the yoga instructor prepares a personalized program and makes postures to stretch the required areas and strengthen the required areas. Likewise, the breathing technique needed by each individual also differs. Some need refreshing breathing techniques, while others should practice calming breathing techniques more often.

Private lessons can be held at a venue you choose or in our studios. 

Modern Ofis

Corporate Yoga

As Maya Yoga, we think that the effect of Yoga studies is important in keeping energy high in corporate work environments, increasing physical and mental awareness, reducing stress and creating more harmonious and empathetic business relationships. Regularly practiced yoga, especially in the workplace environment where the work is done, ensures that you stay physically and mentally healthier,   increases the energy and positively increases the work efficiency.

You can learn how to overcome these problems with Corporate Corporate Yoga, which you will participate in only part of your lunch break. 
In the Corporate Company Yoga, which we will do in your meeting room or open office, using the existing tables and chairs, there will be a deep relaxation, namely a small meditation, at the end of the practice of breathing and yoga postures. 

You will continue your day more energetic and relaxed. Your concentration and creativity levels will increase, and you will be able to use your working and private hours more efficiently.
We invite you to become conscious and relax with Yoga in order to reveal your balanced, strong, energetic and cheerful side.

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